Junior Rifle Training
Junior Rifle Training Program
The Junior Rifle Training Program benefits shooters of all ages by developing their safety and marksmanship skills. Our discipline is a basic level event, but, through diligent progress, any shooter can progress to the highest levels of NRA accomplishment – Distinguished Expert in Smallbore Rifle.
We shoot match grade, single shot, bolt-action .22 cal. target rifles with aperture sights. Most of the equipment necessary is provided by the club, but the shooters should bring their own eye protection (safety glasses).
Shooting is a lot of fun, but there are many points one must learn and put into practice to become a good rifle shooter.
First, one must know how to handle a rifle safely. The NRA basic rules for safe gun handling are:
The new shooter starts from the bench-rest position and then progresses to prone, sitting, kneeling, and off-hand (standing) shooting. The participant’s progress is recorded and upon achieving specified levels of accomplishment, the shooter will be awarded medals or patches indicating that level of mastery.
One will also learn the five elements that must always be in place to fire a successful shot, which are: aiming, breath control, hold control, trigger control, and follow-through.
We have shooters working on many different levels of mastery; however, we have plenty of space and equipment for others, and new shooters may begin the program at any time.
Juniors (less than 18 yrs.) may participate only when the South Bay Rod and Gun Club’s Authorization for Minors Participation in Shooting Sports form is read, filled out, signed by a parent or legal guardian, and delivered to the match director at the time of the training event with the appropriate fees. Click here to download form.
COSTS: Members: $10 for juniors (less than 18 yrs.) and $15 for adults, Non-members: $25 for juniors and $45 for adults (includes non-member range day-use fee). Memberships may be purchased by clicking HERE or at the range.
If you are interested in safety and marksmanship training, we shoot at Range 3 on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month. Please arrive no later than 8 a.m. Training is usually completed around 11 a.m. For additional information, you may call Jeff Maynard at (619) 426-4108.