CMP Highpower Rifle
CMP (DCM) Highpower Rifle Practice M1 Garand Qualification Tournament
NRA Approved Tournament
Match Coordinator: Pat Ayers 619-357-1331 lpayers@aol.com, or Don Gussler, 619-258-2543 dgussler@gmail.com
Open To: Public/Open Match. These Matches are designed for beginners, and open to all NRA Highpower shooters
School: A safety/Rules/Procedures school will be held at 8:00 SHARP! All competitors who cannot produce a current Highpower Rifle Classification Card will attend the class. No exceptions!
Firearms: CENTERFIRE rifle with iron sights that can be reloaded for the rapid fire stages (fire 2 reload fire 8, or fire 5 reload fire 5). No scopes on rifles. Shooting mats, gloves, coats ok. Bring at least 2 magazines/clips for your rifle.
Rules: Current NRA Highpower Rules Will Apply. Open Bolt Indicators are required and are for sale $1 each.
Classification of Competitors: NRA classification system will be used in all matches. In the event that there are fewer competitors in each class and category they will be combined across and upwards.
Stat Office: Opens at 7:00AM, first relay firing commences about 8:30.
Entry Fee: Total Match Fee: $20.00, All Entries Must Be Accompanied By Full Payment.
Entries Close: 15 Minutes before Match Starts
Post Entries: Accept to range capacity.
Entry Limit: 30 Competitors per relay, maximum of five relays
Scoring: Competitors will score. Any competitor who does not fulfill his/her scoring duties may be disqualified. Bring a pen for scoring.
Squadding: All competitors will be squadded at time of check-in.
Firing Starts / Schedule: Match 1 starts at 8:30 AM, followed by remaining matches.
Course of fire: Identified under rule 7.14. (See Chart Below)
Targets: All firing will be done on the approved NRA target’s (SR-1(Sighters, Standing, Sitting), SR-21 R-Sitting) & SR-31 (Slow Prone).
Awards: Will be Cash. Awards per classification group (Matches 1 - 5)
Award Restrictions: A competitor may not win more than one award in any match. There must be a least five competitors in each class and category for a 1st place, ten competitors for a second place, fifteen competitors for a third place, twenty competitors for a fourth place and twenty-five competitors for a fifth place. The awards will be presented at the Statistical Building approx. fifteen minutes after completion of the last match. In the event that there are fewer competitors in each class and category they will be combined across and upwards.
General Information:
1. Eating facilities are not available on the range. The closest cafe is in Barret Junction CA. Four and one half miles from the range.
2. Housing facilities are not available near the range. Motels or hotels are available in the San Diego area.
3. Participants are welcome to bring their own water containers, however cold beverage machines are available on ranges 3 and 6.
4. Parking behind the firing line.